Добавить макрос в excel - Учим Эксель

Excel VBA Macros

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Have you ever thought, «Do I really have to do this manually!?» If you’re involved in repetitive or long manual operations in SAP GUI, this is the solution for you.

SAP Qualified Partner-Packaged Solution

Value Proposition

Through Excel macros, it is possible to automate any SAP GUI input in a user-friendly way. Now you can automate everything you would do manually:

  • The creation of master data such as business partners, plants, articles, etc.
  • Customization: tailor-made customization, load wave templates, etc.
  • Volume/flow creation: SOs, STOs, POs, IDocs, variants, etc.
  • Flow testing (eventually with randomized data), data comparison, etc.
  • Data cleaning and maintenance: updating data, deleting old data, replacing data, etc.
  • Integrate with full Excel VBA features

Those macros can:

  • Simplify consultants’ jobs when used as setup accelerators
  • Be sold as products to the client (production)


  • Fast & easy: Simply fill in an Excel file, press the magic button, and enjoy!
  • Flexible & reusable: easy to add/remove features, no limits to complexity
  • Free software: part of the Excel package; no licenses nor updates required

Pricing Plan

Speed up your business for free

Excel VBA is free; it comes with the Microsoft Office package

The only cost is the time it takes to build the different macros. Depending on the complexity of the project, it could take more or less time. Previously created macros can easily be recycled and adapted.

Customer testimonial

This flexible and efficient automation tool was a lifesaver on our project; it enabled us to solve very tricky situations in a simple and fast way.

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Contact our expert

Stefano Bramé

Stefano discovered Excel VBA at his previous job, became very passionate about it, and started automating everything he could. When working with SAP, he found a way to have macros take over the manual inputs in SAP GUI. His efforts helped out a lot of his colleagues, making their jobs much easier.
"Laziness is nature's biggest gift: it forces you to find easy solutions to complex problems."

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